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Robotic Harpy Leg Redesign

This thesis project was conducted in the Silicon Synapse Lab at Northeastern University under the advising of Prof. Ramezani. 



Develop a new robotic leg architecture that can absorb a 10m fall. Additional objectives include

  • Improving jump height

  • Decreasing moment of inertia

  • Improving robustness


Summary of Achievements

  • Created a process and analysis tools for designing a robotic leg along with selecting all system variables

  • The leg I designed is a 5 bar linkage parallel leg with an elastic element and damper in parallel with the actuators

  • The leg also implements a shock absorber for high velocity impacts due to falling

  • Built simulators in Matlab + Simscape to analyze leg performance for falling and jumping

  • Created CAD for a version of the leg that implemented an OTS shock absorber


Thesis Presentation



































Click here for the link to the full thesis paper

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